Independence Day Wiki

Humans (homo sapiens sapiens; from latin, lit. wise wise man) are a race of intelligent sentient beings which evolved on Earth.



Millenia ago, humanity evolved on Earth and gained new cultures and would soon develop inventions and technologies that would bring about the modern age. By the late 20th century, nuclear weapons and satellites orbiting the Earth were developed for military and communication purposes and began learning more about the surrounding universe and had also develop basic space travel as well as landing on the Moon.

War of 1996 and Aftermath[]

During July of 1996, humanity learned that they were not alone in the universe as they were invaded by an extraterrestrial race seeking to harvest the planet's natural resources at the cost of wiping out all life on Earth. Humanity was heavily decimated in the billions by the invaders until they defeated them in a global counteroffensive.

In the aftermath, humanity was able to recover from the invasion through reverse-engineered alien technology salvaged from the wrecked alien ships, and allowing them to become a more advanced and space-faring society. Since then, humanity entered an unprecedented era of peace without armed conflict or genocide as the Earth's nations became more politically united against a common threat that almost saw humanity's extinction.

War of 2016[]

Humanity would come into a second conflict with the aliens 20 years later on the exact same day the War of 1996 occurred two decades prior. Humanity was once again decimated, but were more prepared and thwarted the second invasion. They also became the first known species to kill a Harvester Queen; an impossible feat that other civilizations were unable to do.

After the invasion, humanity was offered by the Sphere to lead its resistance and new technology (which include faster-than-light travel) in preparation for a potential counterattack on the Harvesters' homeworld.
