Independence Day Wiki

Rain Lao, Chinese name Lao Meifeng, is a Chinese fighter pilot in the Earth Space Defense.



Rain Lao was orphaned during the War of 1996. Her mother was killed in the destruction of Beijing and her father died in battle during the July 4th counteroffensive. She was left to be raised by her late father's brother, Jiang Lao, until living with Auntie Far. As she grew up, Rain was aspired to follow in her father's footsteps as a fighter pilot.

Enlisting in the ESD[]

Rain grew restless from her quiet life and hijacked a crop duster plane and flew it over the remains of Wuhan, where her father died. She was subsequently arrested by the authorities for entering an unauthorized airspace but her young age surprised them for piloting a plane. She was detained for two days before being released without any charges. However, her actions caught the notice of Jiang Lao, who is a ESD commander and allowed his niece to be enroll in the ESD Academy in Dongfeng Aerospace City in Inner Mongolia.[2]

Rain idolized War of 1996 hero Steven Hiller and even met him in person in which she received his autograph. She was shocked by Hiller's death during the 2007 ESD Spring Expo.

In May 2012, Rain became the youngest pilot in space and to circumnavigate the Moon.[3] During the circumnavigation, Rain made her fame in saving the life of a fellow pilot; the other pilot's fighter's propulsion system malfunctioned as they were approaching reentry into Earth's atmosphere. Rain matched the falling fighter's speed, nudged herself underneath it, and then decelerated slowly and smoothly enough that both aircraft survived reentry.[4]

Due to her stellar aptitude and service, Rain was selected as China's representative in Legacy Squadron.

War of 2016[]

During the 20th anniversary of the War of 1996, Rain participated with Legacy Squadron's first flight on the Moon. At the ESD Moon Base, Rain was reunited with Jiang Lao. Her appearance also gained the unwanted attraction of American space tug pilot Charles Miller. As Rain and Legacy Squadron made their performance during the anniversary, the celebrations were interrupted by the sudden return of the aliens. She was horrified to witness the alien mothership destroying the Moon Base which also killed her uncle.

Rain retreated to Area 51 and later joined ESD forces in mounting an attack on the mothership. However, she and her fellow pilots were caught in a trap in which they were left stranded inside the mothership. Rain and the surviving pilots managed to commandeered alien fighter crafts in which she became the co-pilot of Charles Miller, and escaped from the mothership. She and along with Captain Hiller and Jake Morrison returned to Area 51 and attacked the alien queen which was assaulting the ESD base, and ultimately prevailed in killing her. After the aliens withdrew from Earth, Rain invited Charlie to dinner, to the latter's surprise.

Memorable Quotes[]

"Aren't you a little young for that?"
Raine replying to Charlie.



