Independence Day DVD Transfer Comparison (10 images)
In 2016, a new "20th Anniversary Edition" of ID4 was released on Blu-ray and DVD. This edition advertises itself as a "newly restored edition". Since I now own this edition on DVD, I did a comparison of the new transfer with the old DVD transfer.
This blog compares the following authentic PAL Region 4 (Australia) DVD releases of ID4:
- Two-Disc Extended Edition (UPC 9 321337 038995) (OFLC PG rating)
- 20th Anniversary Edition (UPC 9 321337 168005) (yellow ACB PG rating)
The DVDs were played with VLC Media Player, and the screenshots were saved in PNG format at the PAL 16:9 DVD display resolution of 1024 x 576. The pairs of screenshots were combined into single images, with a white 2-pixel wide column separating the screenshots.
- 1 Screenshots
- 1.1 1:…